To use MyVaccines:
- Allow this page to generate pop-ups (do not block pop-ups).
- If not already installed, install Adobe Acrobat Reader (used to view the Official Immunization Record). Download for free at
What is MyVaccines?
MyVaccines is a free, secure, online public portal that allows individuals, parents, and legal guardians to access official immunization records from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. This is an official record of immunization adminstered within the City of Philadelphia that can be saved or printed. This record can be used as proof of immunizations for school, daycare, work, or travel.
What Records are available on MyVaccines?
Full Immunization Record: A complete list of all reported vaccines administered in Philadelphia, along with the vaccine that was and the age at the time the vaccine was administered.
COVID-19 Record: A list of only reported COVID-19 vaccines in Philadelphia. It is not the original CDC card but is an official record of COVID-19 immunization.
COVID-19 QR Code: A secure, digital version of your COVID-19 record.
Who can access MyVaccines?
Anyone that has received an immunization within the City of Philadelphia can access their record.?
Who will have access to my records in MyVaccines?
Individuals will have access to their own records. For individuals younger than the age of 18, parents or guardians will also have access to the record.
How can I request my child’s record through MyVaccines?
Parents and guardians can request their child’s record by completing the record request with the child’s information and any email or phone number associated with the child’s record.
I do not have an email account; how can I access my records?
You can access your records with either a valid email or phone number. One or the other must be in your record within MyVaccines. If you still cannot access MyVaccines, please fill out the patient support form: Public Health Patient Support Form or contact a Philadelphia Public Health Call Center Representative at 215-685-5488 (Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM EST)
I am having issues accessing my record on MyVaccines, What should I do?
You won’t find the record if the contact information does not match what the provider reported to the Department of Public Health.?To ensure security of records, an exact match is required when you search.
Use the exact name you used during your vaccination appointment.
Use the email or cell phone you used at your vaccination appointment.
Parents and guardians cannot pull up their adult (18+) children’s records.
If you still cannot find the record you are looking for, please fill out the Immunization Record Request form Philadelphia Public Health Patient Support Form or contact a Philadelphia Public Health Call Center Representative at 215-685-5488 (Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM EST)
What if I wish to update my or my child’s record?
If you wish to update your record please reach out to your medical provider. They can update your information and report it to the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
What if my record is incomplete?
If you were vaccinated in the City of Philadelphia and your record is incomplete/missing vaccination doses, your medical provider may not yet have reported the vaccination doses. Please contact your medical provider for assistance.
If you received vaccinations outside of Philadelphia and want them added to your record:
Proof of vaccination must include time, date, lot number, and the administered vaccine. Valid documentation includes:
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